5 Sentences Using Agreement

Agreement is a crucial element in effective communication, whether it`s in written or spoken form. In writing, it ensures that each sentence is clear and grammatically correct, conveying exactly what the writer intends to say. Here are five sentences using agreement to demonstrate its importance:

1. The team of scientists has discovered a new species of bird in the Amazon rainforest. (Subject-verb agreement)

In this sentence, “team” is the subject, and “has discovered” is the verb. They agree in number because the team is a singular collective noun, and “has discovered” is the singular form of the verb.

2. The president and his advisors agree that the economy needs urgent attention. (Subject-verb agreement)

In this sentence, “president” is the subject, and “agree” is the verb. Since there are two subjects joined by “and,” they form a plural subject, and the verb must be in the plural form.

3. The employees will receive a bonus if they meet their sales targets. (Subject-verb agreement)

In this sentence, “employees” is the subject, and “will receive” is the verb. They agree in number because “employees” is a plural noun, and “will receive” is the plural form of the verb.

4. People who eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly are more likely to live longer. (Subject-verb agreement)

In this sentence, “people” is the subject, and “are” is the verb. They agree in number because “people” is a plural noun, and “are” is the plural form of the verb.

5. The company`s profits have increased significantly since they introduced a new product line. (Subject-pronoun agreement)

In this sentence, “company” is the subject, and “they” is the pronoun. Pronouns must agree with their antecedents in number and gender. In this case, “they” refers to the company as a collective group, so it`s a singular pronoun that agrees in number with the singular antecedent.

In conclusion, agreement is an essential aspect of good writing. It ensures that sentences are grammatically accurate and easy to understand, which is critical for effective communication. By paying attention to agreement in your writing, you can improve your writing skills and communicate your ideas more clearly.